The creative workshop of the "Jefimija" Home for Children and Youth aims to entertain children in their free time, offering the possibility of aesthetic, creative expression.
Respecting the uniqueness of each child, based on the principle of volunteerism, the creative workshop allows children to socialize, find new interests in the content offered, and experience satisfaction while working by creating a tangible aesthetic product.
Children are offered art materials (watercolor, tempera, collage, graphics) and applied art materials. Attractive techniques: decoupage (using decorative napkins, acrylic paints) on objects, shaping polymer clay (making jewelry, magnets, pendants, etc.), making bracelets from silicone rubber bands that enable them to master practical knowledge in the field of applied art, develop imagination, improve concentration, build aesthetic attitudes, discover and release creative abilities, and respect work as a value category and the basis of every success.
Children, under the ideological guidance of educators, aesthetically enrich the space in which they live, participate in the creation of panels on the occasion of holidays (New Year, Saint Sava, Easter, etc.). They seek inspiration and motifs in nature, using natural materials (pressed leaves and flowers, pine cones, seeds and fruits), and recycled objects (old newspapers, containers of various shapes, etc.).
The creative workshop makes unique New Year's greeting cards, and the income from the products sold is used to improve work with new techniques and higher-quality materials.
Children are given the opportunity to realize their ideas and to present their creativity to the wider social community in a beautiful way. The creative workshop took part and completed the event on the occasion of Vidovdan festivities with its products.
Gifts from our workshop delighted many of our distinguished guests and associates.