Home for children and youth - Yefimija

10 Things Every Child Without Parental Care Needs

10 Things Every Child Without Parental Care Needs


Every child deserves love, support and a chance to build a happy and stable life, but for children without parental care, that chance sometimes seems far away. Although institutions and foster families try to fill the gap, some of the needs of these little ones often remain unmet. Here are 10 key things they need for healthy growth and development:

1. A safe and stable home

The first and most important thing for a child without parental care is a sense of security. This means not only a roof over the head, but also a stable environment where the child feels protected from all life's uncertainties. A stable home is the foundation on which a child can build his future.

2. Emotional support and love

Children without parents often feel empty and emotionally insecure. They need love, not just through words, but through actions. Someone who will hug them, listen to them and show them that they are worthy of attention and care.

3. Consistency and routine

Routine brings a sense of control. Children who have gone through trauma and the loss of a parent can have trust issues. A consistent daily schedule and predictability in life help reduce anxiety and create a sense of security.

4. Access to education

Without education, their future is uncertain. They need the opportunity to learn, develop skills and acquire knowledge that will enable them to become independent and successful in life. Some children did not have access to quality education, so it is important to provide additional programs and mentoring.

5. Social skills and friendships

Childhood is not only learning in school, but also learning how to be a part of society. Children without parental care often feel isolated, so they need help in developing social skills and forming friendships. Through play, joint activities and socialization, children learn how to build healthy relationships.

6. Psychological support

The trauma of losing a parent or living in institutions leaves a deep mark. Psychological help is essential for a child to cope with feelings of sadness, loss or anxiety. Therapy and talking to professionals can help children understand their feelings and develop emotional resilience.

7. Financial stability

Children without parental care often face financial challenges as they grow and become young adults. They need programs that will teach them how to manage money, plan for the future and create a foundation for financial independence.

8. Role models and mentoring

We all need role models, and for orphaned children, this is perhaps even more important. Mentoring is valuable because it provides not only guidance, but also inspiration. A child needs to see someone who believes in him, who gives him hope that he can achieve success despite all the obstacles.

9. Access to health care

Regular visits to doctors, dentists and specialists are often neglected in children without parental care. Access to quality health care, including mental health, is essential for their growth and development.

10. Rights to choice and freedom of expression

When children are part of the system, they often feel like they have no control over their lives. We need to give them the right to choose - whether it's small things like clothes or bigger decisions like choosing a school. Children deserve the freedom to express their opinions and feelings, without fear of being ignored or neglected.


Every child deserves a chance for a happy and fulfilling life, regardless of their circumstances. Children without parental care need more than basic needs - they need support, love, guidance and the opportunity to build a future. The community, state and individuals must make an effort to make these children feel loved, valued and protected.

If you want to contribute and help children without parental care to have a better future, we invite you to you donate to our home "Jefimija". Your support, whether through donations or volunteering, can make a huge difference in the lives of children who face the challenges of everyday life without their parents. Every donation goes directly to providing better conditions for their education, health and daily needs, providing them with the security, warmth and love they deserve. Let's show together that they are not alone - your little means everything to someone.
